Llamas can be used for many things, probably more than you expected.
Here is a list of uses for llamas:
Here is a list of uses for llamas:
- Therapy
- Driving
- Packing
- Companions
- Fiber
- Showing
Driving with llamas is fun it there is a lot of training involved to get them in the cart. First it is important to pick the right llama, not all can do it! Then get the right equipment. Once you have those ground driving is the first step in the training. This will get the llama used to taking commands from behind them. The next step is to hitch the llama to the cart but you walk behind the cart so that the llama gets used to the cart behind them. Once the llama is comfortable with the cart behind them then you can get in the cart! We found it helpful to use a header, or a person walking with a lead next to the llama, just to make sure things went well.
Camping with our llamas
We enjoy taking our llamas camping. Our good friend has found several campgrounds that will the llamas to come and camp with us! We take the llamas on short hikes while we are camping with them. We have light weight panels we set up and they camp in the campsite with us!
Llamas make great companion animals. They are gentle, my kids have been walking them since they could walk. You do have to put some time into gaining their trust but once you do it is totally worth it. We love to just hang out with the llamas in the pasture or read to them in the backyard. Our kids have made such wonderful bonds with their animals.
Llamas make great companion animals. They are gentle, my kids have been walking them since they could walk. You do have to put some time into gaining their trust but once you do it is totally worth it. We love to just hang out with the llamas in the pasture or read to them in the backyard. Our kids have made such wonderful bonds with their animals.
Public Relation Events
Public relations events. We have visited the library and schools. We enjoy taking the llamas out to public events they are always well behaved and the public loves to see them! We have made three trips to our local library for events and several trips to the kids elementary school! It is great to be there and answer questions and share the llamas.
Showing. We participate in several shows a year. Our kids show in 4-H and in larger open shows. Performance classes consist of packing, public relations and obstacles. Then there are showmanship and halter classes as well. The performance classes for the kids are divided by age while for the adults they are divided into novice and advanced depending on the llamas winnings. Halter classes are divided by fiber type.
Fiber. We shear our own llamas and then use most of the fiber. I have it sent off to be processed into roving so that it is ready to spin. We also hand dye some of the yarn that I spin. I also crochet the yarn that I spin into different projects. Another great thing to do with the fiber is to needle felt and the kids love to do this during fairs! Llama fiber has no lanolin in it so people who are allergic to sheep are generally okay with llama. It is very warm and soft.
Llamas are great for packing. We only take ours out on day hikes but llamas also do great on longer hikes and even overnight. Llamas can carry anywhere from 20-25% of their body weight so about 75-100 pounds. Either male or female llamas may be used for packing but the llama needs to have good conformation to pack. Llamas should also not carry weight on their back until they are 4 years old this allows their bones to grow correctly. It is good to start off on shorter hikes with less weight and work up in distance and weight, like people llamas need some conditioning before long treks. Llamas have soft padded feet so they are easier on the trail than horses they are also very sure footed.
Llamas are great for packing. We only take ours out on day hikes but llamas also do great on longer hikes and even overnight. Llamas can carry anywhere from 20-25% of their body weight so about 75-100 pounds. Either male or female llamas may be used for packing but the llama needs to have good conformation to pack. Llamas should also not carry weight on their back until they are 4 years old this allows their bones to grow correctly. It is good to start off on shorter hikes with less weight and work up in distance and weight, like people llamas need some conditioning before long treks. Llamas have soft padded feet so they are easier on the trail than horses they are also very sure footed.